I try to spend time each day doing something fun just with Lincoln. I'm still trying to make sure that he feels loved just as much as Levi & gets just as much attention. Whether we play trains together upstairs in the playroom, play GeoTrax down in the basement, or watch Little Bear together, it's a sweet time for just us to have fun, talk, & make some cool memories. For the both of us. So yesterday I decided that we would make Easter cookies. It was a lot of fun, & obviously from these pictures, you can see that he loved tasting the cookie batter. He loved stirring, tasting, & pouring the ingredients in for me.
It's "close-your-eyes" good...
I didn't manage to get pictures of the actual frosting of the cookies, although I did get him tasting them. He really enjoyed them. He thought it was pretty neat that he was eating a bunny rabbit:
I hope you all have a great Easter weekend. Ben's parents are coming in town today to visit us & spend time with the kids. It should be fun. Another fun thing happening Sunday is my 30th birthday. Yikes! I'm dreading actually turning 30, but very excited about my thirties. Does that make sense? I'm officially old. I remember when I was 18, thinking 30 was ancient. And here I am. With Ben's parents being here, Ben & I can actually go out on a date. A full date, including a movie & dinner...or ice cream...or coffee...or just driving around in silence without having to listen to Shrek or Thomas. I'm looking forward to it.
Happy Egg Hunting,
11 years ago
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