Happy Easter everybody! We had an Easter Egg Hunt last weekend at Lincoln's school, which turned out to be so much fun for the boys. And for us. We saw all of Linc's friends, & Levi really got to enjoy the fun of searching for eggs. I am using the term "searching" loosely here, as you will see from the pictures. Not much hunting or searching going on, but a lot of fun was had. There was face painting, egg-hunting, chocolate-eating, games, you name it, we did it. Here are some pics.
Levi & me:
(as you can see, most of the eggs are just laying around on the top of the grass...)
Honestly, Levi would have been perfectly content had there not been any eggs, & just the cars.
Showing off his face-painting:
Ben checking his email...what a multi-tasker.
Linc hunting for eggs.
Here's Easter Eve. We wrote a letter for the Easter Bunny, & then left him carrots & lettuce. Here is Lincoln telling me what the letter should say.
Mom & Lincoln:
Easter Morning, when the boys came downstairs to see what the Easter Bunny had eaten & written back to them. It also gave them clues as to where their Easter Baskets were hidden in the house.
That hungry rabbit...
Lincoln's basket was up in the playroom:
And this is Levi on his way into the dining room bathroom where his basket was. Such an excited little boy:
Levi playing with his new frog grabber:
Checking out the goodies:
Then off to church we went! Everyone got dressed up...Lincoln even wore a tie! Look at this handsome man:
And let's not forget this heartbreaker in his button-down:
2 of the cutest boys in town right here:
And oh yeah, one more thing that is totally unrelated in every way possible. I have updated our back patio into a very relaxing atmosphere. Umbrella, lights & a boston fern. Favorite things...
We are in St. Louis right now for Spring Break. I'll post again when we return with a ton more pictures of our adventures. We've had such a great time so far!
Happy Easter,
11 years ago
you said umbrella and fern were your faves but i see a glass of wine there, too! that's one of my faves - love ya, sis
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