This week is Hometown Week for the three contestants. First off, let me just say for the record that Kara looks amazing tonight. It's her hair that looks unbelievable. Wowsa, she just brought sexy back.
So here's the deal. The contestants have to sing twice, one song of their own choosing, & the other song of the crazy nutjobs' choosing (that would be the judges).
Danny kicks off the show with some song I don't know..."Dance Little Sister". OK, this is the second time this has happened between me & Danny. He starts out his songs so incredibly high that it sounds like he's stretching sooo much to get to those high notes. I'm clutching the sides of my laptop, praying to God he doesn't burst a blood vessel in his throat. And yet, he never does. Yay for D! Ewww, he does a weird dance to the judges' table & makes snarly faces at Paula & Simon. But other than that, I think he does good! Simon then decides to shut up the drunk by covering her mouth with his hands. They basically wrestle on live TV, while Danny idly stands by. Not awkward at all. At all.
Randy & Kara choose One Republic's "Apologize" for Kris Allen's song. He plays piano, which I think is smart. Y'all, Kris sounds kick tonight! I don't think I've ever heard him do a song that I like better than this one. Uh-oh, what does this mean? I certainly can't change trains now. It's way too late in the game. I just jumped on Danny's train 2 weeks ago...someone talk me out of this. Kara didn't think he swung it out of the park, Paula thought he had a bum note, & Simon...well, Simon has something stuck up his arse so far that he doesn't know which way is up. He's dissing on everyone tonight. He gets mad at Kara for not liking Kris doing the song that she herself chose for him to do. Follow me? Whew, the judges are going crazy tonight. And I mean crazy in the worst way possible.
Simon chooses Adam to sing "One" by U2. Simon, of course, has to brag that he had a conversation with Bono on Saturday that allowed Adam to sing the song. Would now be a good time to let y'all know that I hate U2? I know, I know, I hear enough lectures from Ben's older brother about this. But enough about me, let's get to Adam's rendition. I think Adam just made up a new song. A completely new song. Is there another band called U2 with a hit song "One" that I don't know about? He didn't stick to the original melody at all, except for the first line. It was all just hugely dramatic for me. He needed a show choir behind him for sure. Kara calls him a strategist, Paula calls him an American Idol, & Simon thought it was brilliant. Durrr.
Danny chooses to sing "You Are So Beautiful". I like the stage set-up for this song; how they're all right beside him, lined up. Midway through, Danny sings his face off. Ohhh, Danny, gimme a one-way ticket. Pronto. I thought it was awesome. All the judges loved it. Even Simon, saying it was a vocal master class. And if I recall correctly, the last time Simon said that was to Miss Melinda Doolittle. And you all know how her voice spanks.
Kris chooses to sing "Heartless" by K-Dub. What I thought would be an ultimate head-on collision, turned out to be UN-FRICKIN-BELIEVABLE. I mean, really...that was my favorite banana-pudding-good. There's really no other way to say it.
Adam sings Aerosmith. The back-up singer sounds bad with Adam's voice. Their voices just don't mesh well. That stuck out to me listening to him. Does Adam's voice remind anyone of Queen? I'm getting a Queen vibe here tonight. Wish I wouldn't be. Randy says that he should be a rock star. I simply don't agree. Is he rock? Or is he broadway rock? I think there lies a big difference there. Simon tells everyone to actually pick up the phone & vote. Thanks Simon, I forgot those difficult rules for this competition. It's so easy to get confused when it comes to a telephone & a number.
I think it's anyone's game at this point. They all did awesome, I think. If I had to choose, I think it will be Danny to go. GASP!! I know, but I think I liked Kris's songs a bit better than Danny's. And we must all be in agreement that Adam will be one of the final 2. If he's not, then I fear that the masses will go hysterical.
Tomorrow night, until then.
11 years ago
That's so funny that you said Adam reminded you of Queen. Last night as he was singing, I said to my husband "Here's the next Freddy Mercury." Except that I love Freddy and really don't love Adam.
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