Holy Simon, I can't believe we're down to the Top 5 already! Time flies.
Well, I know where Randy was this weekend. He was trotting through the Michael's craft store, buying string & colored jewels to make a friendship necklace. And not just a necklace, no!, he doesn't stop there. He even has a bracelet to match. Crafty.
Paula's wearing a crazy riff-raff tonight.
Seriously. Did the Adam Lambert of old go bye-bye? Is this where we've landed? Stuck in the decade of the 1970's? I'm all for the retro look, but I'm ready for a change. I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I am longing for some black nail polish & some shot-gun hair.
Jamie Foxx makes an appearance this week, which I think is super cool.
Let's get our booties shakin':
Kris: Kris looks like he just came home from a long day crunching numbers at the office. If you're going to wear a suit, then WEAR A SUIT. Make it look sexy & hot; don't make it look like you're a CPA during the month of April (I mean, please button the top button & tighten up your tie). He sings "The Way You Look Tonight", one of my faves. Jamie Foxx has fallen in love with Kris & says, "The audience will be blown away & they won't even know it." What? No comprehende. Kris's voice sounds great tonight. I like hearing him sing this style. Very smooth. Nice job, mister. Awesome last note.
Allison: She sings "Someone to Watch Over Me", & quickly proceeds to kick ass all over the place. Wowsa, she's good! Everyone except Simon really loved it. Paula, WTF. "innocent sensibility that was alluring & very tender..." I'm going to blame comments like that on the straight whiskey that is running through your bloodstream.
My SweetBaby: He sings "My Funny Valentine" & sounds like yummy honey in my tummy. Randy & Kara thought it was off & pitchy, Positive Paula thought it was great, & Simon thought it was brilliant. Yay!
Danny: I may have said this before on this blog, but when I hear Danny's voice, it sounds like a chord to me. It's so good that it sounds like there are several notes within one note. He totally kills it. You guys, I think I've just switched gears. After that performance, I am now on Danny's ship. I jumped off Matt's ship halfway through Danny's song. I'm so sorry Mattie, but 'tis true. This break-up will be devastating (obviously to you & not me), but we can no longer carry on this charade when my heart has now fled to D-Boy.
Adam: He sings "Feeling Good". I thought it was grandiose, just like any other week, but it felt like a Screamathon. He gets people chanting his name at the end of his performance, & people go crazy. All the judges loved it. Is this the right competition for Adam? I think not. He's waaaay too dramatic for this AI crowd.
This week is going to be a hard one. Tragically, I believe that this will be Matt's last week. We shall see tomorrow.
Go "blame it on the alcohol",
11 years ago
You got it girl. You got the Danny-feva. You are so right about his chord-licious voice. A-maz-ing. He needs to win. Pull your strings, do your magic, girl.
Dra-madam needs to go. I can't take him. He bugs so bad. For so many reasons.
You're so right about Allison too. She's sooooo good and needs to have a deal no matter if she wins or not. I want her album.
Jamie Foxxy rocks. I loved how into this whole thing he got w/ everyone. Presh.
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