A coupe weeks ago, I dropped my laptop down the stairs. I raced after it, once I saw it bouncing down the stairs (literally). My computer broke into two separate pieces, true story. I have not been able to post anything new, except when Ben is home & I can use his work laptop. I'm sorry if I haven't been able to update my American Idol posts...I don't know if anybody cares, for that matter. I just thought I should update you on the reasons why my posts are so slacked out. Oopsies.
I pray that your weeks have been full, joyful & laughter-filled. I know ours have been. Lincoln has been making me laugh like it's nobody's bizness. His latest thing? He's been singing a song for the past month...the same song that he supposedly learned from school. With every single time he has sung it, he's used different lyrics for it. We just can't figure out what the correct lyrics are. I need to ask the music teacher at school what the correct lyrics are. Something about the world, the music & the stars. Cute, but also kinda confusing.
This week in CBS (community bible study), we have been studying the Resurrection. This past week has been like a re-birth for me. Sometimes I wonder if I've been a Christian at all. I've always looked at my 'Christianity' as Jesus dying on the cross for me, taking away my sins, & taking them upon Himself. Not once has the Resurrection happened into my thinking. My CBS completely catapulted me this week. I mean, it has taken my brain, shaken it around several times, & then placed it back on my body completely different than before. I'm praising God for His newness, His steadfastness, the fact that He never gets tired of me (because Lord knows, I can be so tiring), & the fact that Jesus was indeed, raised from the dead. I am praising God from the depths of my heart for this. Some of you may be wondering, "what the heck? how can she not realize the resurrection?" I don't know. But I do know that the Resurrection has new meaning for me this week. The stone was rolled away....that's what makes Him a Savior. The cross? Yes, that was a horrible way to die. But without that stone moving a few inches away from the opening, Jesus was just a really noble man who died a noble death on 2 wooden pieces. I'm not betting my life on 'just a noble man." I'm betting my life on the man who was slain, buried, & resurrected. Raised. At the right hand of the Father. That's something to sing praises for.
I've missed you guys this week...
11 years ago
Good post...I needed to hear this today :)
I agree good post Rhondi!!! I am very much appreciate your words and i am constantly and pleasantly surprised at how no matter how often we have heard the same words over and over again about our faith...there are always moments where God reminds us of the true power and meaning behind those well known words. It is true there is always more life changing truth to be revealed in words and phrases we seem to know so well. I am thankful for that and thankful for your post (and you too of course..luv ya) ryan
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