Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ciao, Chikezie!

Sorry i didn't post anything last night. I was totally not in the mood to blog. So I'll make this a twofer. We all said a teary & emotional goodbye to Chikezie tonight. And when I say teary & emotional, I mean I wasn't bothered at all by his departure. I was surprised that Syesha got in the bottom three because I thought she kicked it last night. I am now calling Kristie Lee Cook by the name of Clever Kristie, simply because she proved herself to be the smartest contestant last night. What better way to get America's votes than to tug at the heartstrings of all the rednecks loving that Lee Greenwood song? They must've come out of the woodwork to vote for her because she didn't even make it to the Bottom three this week. Did y'all know that Lee Greenwood lives right here in Fraklin next door to my friend Bob? Interesting factoid.

BREAKING NEWS!! I have changed my tune, so to speak, about who will win this thing. No longer are you the winner, Miss Carly. My vote goes to David Cook. Carly disappointed last night, while David slammed it out of the park with his Cornell version of Billie Jean. Awesome. He deserved all the accolade he received.

MORE BREAKING NEWS!! Levi slept through the night last night. I realize this has absolutely nada to do with American Idol, but I had to give a shout-out to my little booger for allowing me a full night's sleep last night. Whew. I needed it.

And last but certainly not least, I think the voting tally people are all on drugs. That or the voting counter computers are all rigged. Ramiele should've been gone by Week One. What's up with her sticking around? Her performance last night was hideous, and if she wears one more pair of eighties-skin-tight-what-I-can-only-describe-as-stirrup-pants, I just might throw up. We know you like the eighties & we respect you for it. That does not mean you are stuck there. Make a note of this, Ramiele. The year is 2008. The jig is up.

Ok I'm off to sleepy town. It's 11:11pm! Make a wish. I wish for another good night's sleep.
Billie Jean is not my lover,

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Amanda Conley said...

congratulations on a night of sleep! That's a big milestone. I hope it happens more than once! (It will, don't worry, I was just kidding:)
Yay! I agree with you about David Cook! He rocks. although I didn't like him at the very first because he flew under the radar for the audition and hollywood weeks - that, and I didn't like his hair (I know I'm totally shallow,) but now I think he's consistantly the best. Yay David!

Lindsay Schneck said...

you do not have a friend named bob...