In the words of Lincoln, Mewwy Chrit-mas! He can't quite say the words correctly, but the spirit is there nevertheless. Our Christmas was merry & bright, filled with family, caroling, good food & laughter. We just got home from the 10-hour drive this afternoon, after a very early morning departure of 5:00am. Linc-Man was a champ though...barely a tear during the entire trip. Wowsa.
Here are some pics of Christmas morning of my boy & me. We're eating Cheerios together...I won't post the picture of Lincoln trying to push a Cheerio through my belly button to feed Levi...this is a public blog after all, & I won't subject any of y'all to that sort of view. But take my word for it, it's a hoot & a holler.
Lincoln's big Christmas present was a GeoTrax Airport and Grand Central Station. He could play with it for hours. And he did. After he came down the stairs to see the GeoTrax all set up, he said "No" to opening up any other presents. So Ben & I were forced to open up his presents for him, showing him each gift. Funny.
After the big Christmas dinner, we all stood around the piano while my mom played Christmas carols & all sang together. My mama's an amazing piano player, BTW.
The three little munchkins...Tatum, Lincoln & Lucy
And here's the cutest one of all...he's taking a breather from the presents by having some breakfast.
I pray that all of your Christmases were just as joyful as ours. Thankfully, my water didn't break during the Christmas dinner...although several times during the holiday, I thought it would get to that point. Not too much longer!
11 years ago
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
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