My friend Melissa challenged me to blog "100 Things About Myself" that the average friend of mine would not know. If you find yourself intrigued & interested, you're a great friend! If you find your eyelids getting heavy & nodding off , let's re-evalute this friendship. Here we go:
1. I always hated my first name until I met my husband Ben, who said he loved it from the moment he heard it.
2. I never thought about getting married or having a family when I was younger. I wanted to live alone in a big city.
3. I am Type A with definite control issues.
4. I almost died when I was 2 years old of epiglotitis.
5. I absolutely hate my hands & fingernails.
6. Sometimes when I look at my son, my heart literally hurts.
7. I have to, under any & all circumstances, sing in the car while I'm driving. I'm always the back-up singer.
8. There will never be in this universe a better sandwich than Peanut Butter & Jelly on white bread.
9. I have worked at 4 different dry cleaners.
10. After I delivered Lincoln, I lost the lower part of my hearing in my left ear. It came back though. Don't cry for me.
11. I am extremely much so that it's getting difficult for me to step into any enclosed space.
12. When I wear jeans, I almost always wear heels because if I don't, I feel short, big-thighed, & fat.
13. I abhor running.
14. After I had Lincoln, I developed allergies I never had before & started drinking coffee.
15. I broke up with my 4th grade boyfriend because his breath always smelled like waffles & syrup.
16. I had my first kiss at age 17 in a white Jeep Wrangler with the top down.
17. One of my favorite memories is me & my mom watching Golden Girls in her bed when my dad was out of town.
18. I loathe MTV. What used to be a media outlet for rising bands & artists to hone their musical skill & talent has become nothing short of an embarrassing reality to where the next generation is headed. That, or maybe I'm just too old for MTV.
19. I have horrible sinus problems.
20. I think Ethan Hawke is so sexy.
21. I sleep only with a fitted sheet; no flat sheet.
22. I have to have one leg in & one leg out when I'm falling asleep.
23. I dread putting on make-up.
24. I make a really great lasagna.
25. Sometimes I'll just get in the car & drive without a destination.
26. My sister & I used to get in fights in the morning while we were getting ready for school if our hair didn't turn out right. Those were roughly the years of 1989-1993, so you do the fashion math.
27. I have never once colored my hair.
28. I still wear a retainer at night. I got my braces off 15 years ago & am still worried that they will go back to the way they were.
29. I am extremely teeth-conscious. I have to floss every single night & brush at least twice daily.
30. Ben takes horrible care of his teeth. So horrible that they had to just altogether pull a molar out because it was dead. Take a wild guess of how frustrated this makes me.
31. As much as I try to love people unconditionally, I always come up short. Then I think of Jesus.
32. It is really hard to love well.
33. I think if I could, I would choose to have a muffin from Starbucks every day for breakfast.
34. Ben & I have a dream of moving to Montana someday. We'll own & work a small store together, go to our house on the ranch & watch the sun set. Oh yeah, we'll also be drinking ice-cold lemonade on the front porch swing.
35. One of my closest friends is an old boss of mine.
36. I would rather have diarrhea all day long than throw up once.
37. I love scary movies. I'm the girl that screams in the theater.
38. I like shaved heads rather than long hair on guys.
39. I hate Paris Hilton & everything she represents.
40. I get carsick very easily. A trip to Wal-Mart in the backseat can do the trick.
41. I used to look at doctors as if they were miracle workers. Magicians. Saviors. Now I look at them & think, "You went to school for a really long time & studied hard. You're human, just like me. And you get paid a ton to hopefully know what you're doing." No illusions of grandeur.
42. I love love love Chili's chips & salsa.
43. I also love an ice cold frozen margarita with my 2 best girlfriends.
44. I could watch "Gone with the Wind" 100 times over.
45. I don't think I've ever prayed harder than when I'm praying for Lincoln to know & pursue Christ.
46. I love the Gospel, although I'm not a huge fan of traditional gospel music.
47. I honestly don't like U2 or the Beatles. Feel free to judge.
48. Ben makes me laugh more than anyone I know.
49. I worry too much for my own good.
50. I don't keep up with politics at all, but I feel entitled to gripe about this country's severe problems. Then I wonder why I don't try to take a more active role in the community to try to fix some of those problems.
51. I have no idea how I will vote in this next presidential election.
52. I hate summer.
53. My favorite emotion is laughing & crying at the same time.
54. When I see one of my best friends going through a hard time, I am heavy-laden & feel as though it were my own problem. I think that means I'm a good friend.
55. I am easily stressed about things I have no control over.
56. I hate manual labor. This drives Ben insane.
57. I watch Days of Our Lives every single day.
58. I have no desire to ever read the books Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter.
59. I have never seen Star Trek, & the first time I ever watched a Star Wars movie was at a drive-in with Ben when we were dating. I hated it.
60. I learned how to change & patch a tire about 12 hours ago.
61. I wish I had green eyes instead of brown.
62. I love thunderstorms.
63. I hate turtlenecks & never wear them. They make me feel claustrophobic & like I'm choking.
64. I love that Jesus' power is made perfect in my weakness. Nothing else in this world comes close to that.
65. I also love that no matter how high or deep the story is, there will never be a greater story ever told than the one of the Savior.
66. I have watched every single episode of Beverly Hills, 90210.
67. I need to make lists in my life to feel like I'm accomplishing something. Yeah. Type A. Shocker.
68. I'm enamored by Kelly Clarkson's voice.
69. I hate shopping for window treatments.
70. I start decorating for the fall season mid-August. Come over to my house today & you will smell the harvest.
71. I really believe that if I could have any job, it would be with the Red Cross going to areas of the country where they have experienced natural disasters. This desire only increased after I saw the operation failure after Katrina.
72. I can't do hot fudge sundaes. How can I eat something cold & hot at the same time?
73. Same thing with sweet & sour...but sweet & salty is a whole other issue. That I love.
74. When Ben & I had pre-marriage counseling, we took a Myers Briggs test. The counselor told us we were not fit to be married & that we were an incompatible couple. I choose to believe she was unfit to be a counselor. Nearly seven years later, & we're as happy as we've ever been.
75. Ben's nickname for me right now is "Pregnant Princess." I love being called that.
76. I think whoever invented the crockpot should be crowned with royalty.
77. I think there should be a requirement for every City to have a Meat & Three within their borders.
78. I secretly enjoy shopping at Cracker Barrel.
79. I publicly enjoy eating at Cracker Barrel.
80. I know every single word & song in Beauty and the Beast.
81. I have broken 3 bones in my lifetime: left ankle, left foot & right arm. All at the same time. Joking, just wanted to make sure you were still reading.
82. I used to think scrapbooking was lame. I'm now in the middle of my second scrapbook. Don't knock it til you try it.
83. I am on a perpetual search for the perfect black pants & the perfect white tailored shirt.
84. I am in awe of my husband daily because of the bond he creates with teenagers. I wish I could be more like him. It's unreal to see, in that they just gravitate toward him.
85. I am a creature of habit.
86. I love to take really really hot baths.
87. My grandpa used to say "Pretty is as pretty does." I've learned that this is always true.
88. When I start laughing uncontrollably, I always lean into the person I'm sitting next to. Some might call that obnoxious. I call it endearing.
89. I watch the Food Network every single day, but I rarely use any of the recipes I see on the shows.
90. If there is one thing I would die of fear from, it would be snakes. I have nightmares about them & can hardly look at them.
91. I'm beginning to see that I'm more like my dad every day. I love this.
92. Ben & I have a tradition that in mid-December, we watch "It's a Wonderful Life" together. You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey. That's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon, Mary.
93. I am an early riser. I love waking up between 6am & 7am.
94. As much as I try, I will never enjoy football. I try though. Ben has watched 42 hours of the Food Network, & I have watched 42 seconds of football.
95. Dale Earnhardt Jr. is my favorite racecar driver.
96. If I could have any car in the world right now, it would be a Honda Odyssey.
97. I used to be a Vines Vikette my sophomore year of high school. This means I was on the dance team.
98. I read gossip websites daily.
99. If I could only have one food for the rest of my life, it would be toast with peanut butter & honey on it.
100. I can type 90 words per minute.
Whew. Harder than I thought. You try it.
Talk to ya.
11 years ago
Hot and cold dessert is my favorite -- to each their own! You are a great and interesting person. I am glad I know you.
I love your list!! Thanks for doing it...I love learning more about you as it makes me love you more! AND I am reminded of how much we have in common. Just to name a few: control freaks, 90210, quest for the perfect black pants (do they exist??), worrying, politics...the list goes on! I am thankful I get to be your friend!
I love lists! I did one awhile back. They're fun to make and fun to read. I'm gonna add your link to my blog:)
Whoa... I am so impressed with your list! The flat sheet gets me every time I hear it.. and I love the name Rhondi.
nice list rhondi. dont think im weird because i read all of it. okay bye.
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